Pomoc Ii it possible to change dedault download directory in config files


Passing Basics
21 Luty 2022
1 GbE
Hi all, each time that I need to restart rTorrent the default directory is assigned to default path based en rTorrent shared unit and I need to update throught the webUI to assign a new one directory because I have several hard disk and the default shared is the less size.
Is there any option to update this path in config files and rTorrent read from it without do it fromWebUI?. Thanks in advance.

Apologize for me english.
Hi Silas/jerry1333, that the point I don't want to lost previous settings. Because through the Web-UI I can achieve me goal, but for instance, I want to program every day a shutdown/startup, all day I need to update from the WebUI. But reading you I think it is nor possible.

Many thanks both of you

Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. rdownload folder
  2. rtorrent config files
  3. rtorrent hard
  4. rtorrent share location