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Coturn - TURN server project (Static build )

This project evolved from rfc5766-turn-server project ( There are many new advanced TURN specs which are going far beyond the original RFC 5766 document. This project takes the code of rfc5766-turn-server as the starter, and adds new advanced features to it.

The TURN Server is a VoIP media traffic NAT traversal server and gateway. It can be used as a general-purpose network traffic TURN server and gateway, too.

On-line management interface (over telnet or over HTTPS) for the TURN server is available.

The implementation also includes some extra experimental features.

Supported RFCs:

TURN specs:

RFC 5766 - base TURN specs

RFC 6062 - TCP relaying TURN extension

RFC 6156 - IPv6 extension for TURN

RFC 7443 - ALPN support for STUN & TURN

RFC 7635 - oAuth third-party TURN/STUN authorization

DTLS support (

Mobile ICE (MICE) support (


Origin field in TURN (Multi-tenant TURN Server) (

TURN Bandwidth draft specs (

TURN-bis (with dual allocation) draft specs (

STUN specs:

RFC 3489 - "classic" STUN

RFC 5389 - base "new" STUN specs

RFC 5769 - test vectors for STUN protocol testing

RFC 5780 - NAT behavior discovery support

RFC 7443 - ALPN support for STUN & TURN

RFC 7635 - oAuth third-party TURN/STUN authorization

Supported ICE and related specs:

RFC 5245 - ICE

RFC 5768 – ICE–SIP

RFC 6336 – ICE–IANA Registry

RFC 6544 – ICE–TCP

RFC 5928 - TURN Resolution Mechanism

The implementation fully supports the following client-to-TURN-server protocols:

UDP (per RFC 5766)

TCP (per RFC 5766 and RFC 6062)

TLS (per RFC 5766 and RFC 6062): TLS1.0/TLS1.1/TLS1.2; ECDHE is supported.

DTLS ( DTLS versions 1.0 and 1.2.

SCTP (experimental implementation).

Supported relay protocols:

UDP (per RFC 5766)

TCP (per RFC 6062)

Supported user databases (for user repository, with passwords or keys, if authentication is required):


MySQL (not implemented)

PostgreSQL (not implemented)


MongoDB (not implemented)

Redis can also be used for status and statistics storage and notification.

Supported message integrity digest algorithms:

HMAC-SHA1, with MD5-hashed keys (as required by STUN and TURN standards)

Supported TURN authentication mechanisms:

'classic' long-term credentials mechanism;

TURN REST API (a modification of the long-term mechanism, for time-limited secret-based authentication, for WebRTC applications:;

experimental third-party oAuth-based client authorization option;

When used as a part of an ICE solution, for VoIP connectivity, this TURN server can handle thousands simultaneous calls per CPU (when TURN protocol is used) or tens of thousands calls when only STUN protocol is used. For virtually unlimited scalability a load balancing scheme can be used. The load balancing can be implemented with the following tools (either one or a combination of them):

DNS SRV based load balancing;

built-in 300 ALTERNATE-SERVER mechanism (requires 300 response support by the TURN client);

network load-balancer server.

Traffic bandwidth limitation and congestion avoidance algorithms implemented.

QPKG Integration :

Full static build (Thanks Musl and Alpine)

all binaries in NAS $PATH Start

no service starting on start, you need to configure first /etc/turnserver.conf and setup correctly /opt/CoTurn/

Usage: turnserver [options]


-d, --listening-device Listener interface device (NOT RECOMMENDED. Optional, Linux only).

-p, --listening-port TURN listener port (Default: 3478).

Note: actually, TLS & DTLS sessions can connect to the "plain" TCP & UDP port(s), too,

if allowed by configuration.

--tls-listening-port TURN listener port for TLS & DTLS listeners

(Default: 5349).

Note: actually, "plain" TCP & UDP sessions can connect to the TLS & DTLS port(s), too,

if allowed by configuration. The TURN server

"automatically" recognizes the type of traffic. Actually, two listening

endpoints (the "plain" one and the "tls" one) are equivalent in terms of

functionality; but we keep both endpoints to satisfy the RFC 5766 specs.

For secure TCP connections, we currently support SSL version 3 and

TLS versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. For secure UDP connections, we support

DTLS version 1.

--alt-listening-port Alternative listening port for STUN CHANGE_REQUEST (in RFC 5780 sense,

or in old RFC 3489 sense, default is "listening port plus one").

--alt-tls-listening-port Alternative listening port for TLS and DTLS,

the default is "TLS/DTLS port plus one".

--tcp-proxy-port Support connections from TCP loadbalancer on this port. The loadbalancer should

use the binary proxy protocol (

-L, --listening-ip Listener IP address of relay server. Multiple listeners can be specified.

--aux-server Auxiliary STUN/TURN server listening endpoint.

Auxiliary servers do not have alternative ports and

they do not support RFC 5780 functionality (CHANGE REQUEST).

Valid formats are for IPv4 and [1:2::3:4]:5555 for IPv6.

--udp-self-balance (recommended for older Linuxes only) Automatically balance UDP traffic

over auxiliary servers (if configured).

The load balancing is using the ALTERNATE-SERVER mechanism.

The TURN client must support 300 ALTERNATE-SERVER response for this functionality.

-i, --relay-device Relay interface device for relay sockets (NOT RECOMMENDED. Optional, Linux only).

-E, --relay-ip Relay address (the local IP address that will be used to relay the

packets to the peer).

Multiple relay addresses may be used.

The same IP(s) can be used as both listening IP(s) and relay IP(s).

If no relay IP(s) specified, then the turnserver will apply the default

policy: it will decide itself which relay addresses to be used, and it

will always be using the client socket IP address as the relay IP address

of the TURN session (if the requested relay address family is the same

as the family of the client socket).

-X, --external-ip TURN Server public/private address mapping, if the server is behind NAT.

In that situation, if a -X is used in form "-X ip" then that ip will be reported

as relay IP address of all allocations. This scenario works only in a simple case

when one single relay address is be used, and no STUN CHANGE_REQUEST

functionality is required.

That single relay address must be mapped by NAT to the 'external' IP.

For that 'external' IP, NAT must forward ports directly (relayed port 12345

must be always mapped to the same 'external' port 12345).

In more complex case when more than one IP address is involved,

that option must be used several times in the command line, each entry must

have form "-X public-ip/private-ip", to map all involved addresses.

--allow-loopback-peers Allow peers on the loopback addresses (127.x.x.x and ::1).

--no-multicast-peers Disallow peers on well-known broadcast addresses ( and above, and FFXX:*).

-m, --relay-threads Number of relay threads to handle the established connections

(in addition to authentication thread and the listener thread).

If explicitly set to 0 then application runs in single-threaded mode.

If not set then a default OS-dependent optimal algorithm will be employed.

The default thread number is the number of CPUs.

In older systems (pre-Linux 3.9) the number of UDP relay threads always equals

the number of listening endpoints (unless -m 0 is set).

--min-port Lower bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation.

Default value is 49152, according to RFC 5766.

--max-port Upper bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation.

Default value is 65535, according to RFC 5766.

-v, --verbose 'Moderate' verbose mode.

-V, --Verbose Extra verbose mode, very annoying (for debug purposes only).

-o, --daemon Start process as daemon (detach from current shell).

--no-software-attribute Production mode: hide the software version (formerly --prod).

-f, --fingerprint Use fingerprints in the TURN messages.

-a, --lt-cred-mech Use the long-term credential mechanism.

-z, --no-auth Do not use any credential mechanism, allow anonymous access.

-u, --user User account, in form 'username:password', for long-term credentials.

Cannot be used with TURN REST API.

-r, --realm The default realm to be used for the users when no explicit

origin/realm relationship was found in the database.

Must be used with long-term credentials

mechanism or with TURN REST API.

--check-origin-consistency The flag that sets the origin consistency check:

across the session, all requests must have the same

main ORIGIN attribute value (if the ORIGIN was

initially used by the session).

-q, --user-quota Per-user allocation quota: how many concurrent allocations a user can create.

This option can also be set through the database, for a particular realm.

-Q, --total-quota Total allocations quota: global limit on concurrent allocations.

This option can also be set through the database, for a particular realm.

-s, --max-bps Default max bytes-per-second bandwidth a TURN session is allowed to handle

(input and output network streams are treated separately). Anything above

that limit will be dropped or temporary suppressed

(within the available buffer limits).

This option can also be set through the database, for a particular realm.

-B, --bps-capacity Maximum server capacity.

Total bytes-per-second bandwidth the TURN server is allowed to allocate

for the sessions, combined (input and output network streams are treated separately).

-c Configuration file name (default - turnserver.conf).

-b, , --db, --userdb SQLite database file name; default - /var/db/turndb or

/usr/local/var/db/turndb or /var/lib/turn/turndb.

-N, --redis-userdb Redis user database connection string, if used (default - empty, no Redis DB used).

This database can be used for long-term credentials mechanism users,

and it can store the secret value(s) for secret-based timed authentication in TURN REST API.

The connection string my be space-separated list of parameters:

"host= dbname= \

password= port= connect_timeout=".

All connection-string parameters are optional.

-O, --redis-statsdb Redis status and statistics database connection string, if used

(default - empty, no Redis stats DB used).

This database keeps allocations status information, and it can be also used for publishing

and delivering traffic and allocation event notifications.

The connection string has the same parameters as redis-userdb connection string.

--use-auth-secret TURN REST API flag.

Flag that sets a special authorization option that is based upon authentication secret

(TURN Server REST API, see TURNServerRESTAPI.pdf). This option is used with timestamp.

--static-auth-secret 'Static' authentication secret value (a string) for TURN REST API only.

If not set, then the turn server will try to use the 'dynamic' value

in turn_secret table in user database (if present).

That database value can be changed on-the-fly

by a separate program, so this is why it is 'dynamic'.

Multiple shared secrets can be used (both in the database and in the "static" fashion).

--no-auth-pings Disable periodic health checks to 'dynamic' auth secret tables.

--no-dynamic-ip-list Do not use dynamic allowed/denied peer ip list.

--no-dynamic-realms Do not use dynamic realm assignment and options.

--server-name Server name used for

the oAuth authentication purposes.

The default value is the realm name.

--oauth Support oAuth authentication.

-n Do not use configuration file, take all parameters from the command line only.

--cert Certificate file, PEM format. Same file search rules

applied as for the configuration file.

If both --no-tls and --no_dtls options

are specified, then this parameter is not needed.

--pkey Private key file, PEM format. Same file search rules

applied as for the configuration file.

If both --no-tls and --no-dtls options

--pkey-pwd If the private key file is encrypted, then this password to be used.

--cipher-list <"cipher-string"> Allowed OpenSSL cipher list for TLS/DTLS connections.

Default value is "DEFAULT".

--CA-file CA file in OpenSSL format.

Forces TURN server to verify the client SSL certificates.

By default, no CA is set and no client certificate check is performed.

--ec-curve-name Curve name for EC ciphers, if supported by OpenSSL

library (TLS and DTLS). The default value is prime256v1,

if pre-OpenSSL 1.0.2 is used. With OpenSSL 1.0.2+,

an optimal curve will be automatically calculated, if not defined

by this option.

--dh566 Use 566 bits predefined DH TLS key. Default size of the predefined key is 2066.

--dh1066 Use 1066 bits predefined DH TLS key. Default size of the predefined key is 2066.

--dh-file Use custom DH TLS key, stored in PEM format in the file.

Flags --dh566 and --dh1066 are ignored when the DH key is taken from a file.

--no-tlsv1 Do not allow TLSv1/DTLSv1 protocol.

--no-tlsv1_1 Do not allow TLSv1.1 protocol.

--no-tlsv1_2 Do not allow TLSv1.2/DTLSv1.2 protocol.

--no-udp Do not start UDP client listeners.

--no-tcp Do not start TCP client listeners.

--no-tls Do not start TLS client listeners.

--no-dtls Do not start DTLS client listeners.

--no-udp-relay Do not allow UDP relay endpoints, use only TCP relay option.

--no-tcp-relay Do not allow TCP relay endpoints, use only UDP relay options.

-l, --log-file Option to set the full path name of the log file.

By default, the turnserver tries to open a log file in

/var/log/turnserver/, /var/log, /var/tmp, /tmp and . (current) directories

(which open operation succeeds first that file will be used).

With this option you can set the definite log file name.

The special names are "stdout" and "-" - they will force everything

to the stdout; and "syslog" name will force all output to the syslog.

--no-stdout-log Flag to prevent stdout log messages.

By default, all log messages are going to both stdout and to

a log file. With this option everything will be going to the log file only

(unless the log file itself is stdout).

--syslog Output all log information into the system log (syslog), do not use the file output.

--simple-log This flag means that no log file rollover will be used, and the log file

name will be constructed as-is, without PID and date appendage.

This option can be used, for example, together with the logrotate tool.

--stale-nonce[=] Use extra security with nonce value having limited lifetime (default 600 secs).

--max-allocate-lifetime Set the maximum value for the allocation lifetime. Default to 3600 secs.

--channel-lifetime Set the lifetime for channel binding, default to 600 secs.

This value MUST not be changed for production purposes.

--permission-lifetime Set the value for the lifetime of the permission. Default to 300 secs.

This MUST not be changed for production purposes.

-S, --stun-only Option to set standalone STUN operation only, all TURN requests will be ignored.

--no-stun Option to suppress STUN functionality, only TURN requests will be processed.

--alternate-server Set the TURN server to redirect the allocate requests (UDP and TCP services).

Multiple alternate-server options can be set for load balancing purposes.

See the docs for more information.

--tls-alternate-server Set the TURN server to redirect the allocate requests (DTLS and TLS services).

Multiple alternate-server options can be set for load balancing purposes.

See the docs for more information.

-C, --rest-api-separator This is the timestamp/username separator symbol (character) in TURN REST API.

The default value is ':'.

--max-allocate-timeout= Max time, in seconds, allowed for full allocation establishment. Default is 60.

--allowed-peer-ip= Specifies an ip or range of ips that are explicitly allowed to connect to the

turn server. Multiple allowed-peer-ip can be set.

--denied-peer-ip= Specifies an ip or range of ips that are not allowed to connect to the turn server.

Multiple denied-peer-ip can be set.

--pidfile <"pid-file-name"> File name to store the pid of the process.

Default is /var/run/ (if superuser account is used) or

/var/tmp/ .

--secure-stun Require authentication of the STUN Binding request.

By default, the clients are allowed anonymous access to the STUN Binding functionality.

--proc-user User name to run the turnserver process.

After the initialization, the turnserver process

will make an attempt to change the current user ID to that user.

--proc-group Group name to run the turnserver process.

After the initialization, the turnserver process

will make an attempt to change the current group ID to that group.

--mobility Mobility with ICE (MICE) specs support.

-K, --keep-address-family TURN server allocates address family according TURN

Client <=> Server communication address family.

!! It breaks RFC6156 section-4.2 (violates default IPv4) !!

--no-cli Turn OFF the CLI support. By default it is always ON.

--cli-ip= Local system IP address to be used for CLI server endpoint. Default value


--cli-port= CLI server port. Default is 5766.

--cli-password= CLI access password. Default is empty (no password).

For the security reasons, it is recommended to use the encrypted

for of the password (see the -P command in the turnadmin utility).

The dollar signs in the encrypted form must be escaped.

--web-admin Enable Turn Web-admin support. By default it is disabled.

--web-admin-ip= Local system IP address to be used for Web-admin server endpoint. Default value


--web-admin-port= Web-admin server port. Default is 8080.

--web-admin-listen-on-workers Enable for web-admin server to listens on STUN/TURN workers STUN/TURN ports.

By default it is disabled for security resons!

(This behavior used to be the default behavior, and was enabled by default.)

--server-relay Server relay. NON-STANDARD AND DANGEROUS OPTION. Only for those applications

when we want to run server applications on the relay endpoints.

This option eliminates the IP permissions check on the packets

incoming to the relay endpoints.

--cli-max-output-sessions Maximum number of output sessions in ps CLI command.

This value can be changed on-the-fly in CLI. The default value is 256.

--ne=[1|2|3] Set network engine type for the process (for internal purposes).

-h Help

For more information, see the wiki pages:


Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.


Modele: TS-X32U,TS-X41,TS-X31,TS-NASX86,TS-NASX86 64bits

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